Florida A&M University
Office of University Assessment

Course Syllabus Submission Form

As an accountability measure, it is requested that all teaching faculty and staff submit a copy of their course syllabus during the Fall semester of each academic year.
A syllabus should be distributed to students in each course. The content to be included can be found in the Faculty Handbook. Additionally, all undergraduate courses are to include Academic Learning Compacts in their syllabi. The state-mandated
Academic Learning Compacts (ALC) are meant to account for student achievement in all baccalaureate degree programs in the State University System. In compliance with this mandate, FAMU ALC Policies and Guidelines also stipulate that the ALCs be
implemented in each course syllabus because it can play a role in defining and shaping a course. Please refer to Page 7 of FAMU ALC Policies and Guidelines
Please use the form below to comply with the above mentioned request by submitting a copy of your course syllabus. You may consult with the Office of University Assessment for further discussion and explanation of student learning outcomes and
how they can be incorporated in a course syllabus. Additional information is available at Course Syllabi. Please send any questions, comments or suggestions to Brandi Newkirk

First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Your Email Address
Email address of first faculty/staff you want to be notified of this submission.(optional)
Enter Email addresses of second faculty/staff you want to be notified of this submission. (optional)
Enter Email addresses of third faculty/staff you want to be notified of this submission. (optional)
Enter Email addresses of fourth faculty/staff you want to be notified of this submission. (optional)
College/School you belong to: College of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities College of Science and Technology College of Education College of Agriculture
College of Engineering College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Allied Health Sciences School of Architecture
School of Business and Industry School of Journalism & Graphic Communication
School of Nursing School of the Environment College of Law

Academic Year
Course Prefix
(e.g. ENC, CHM, MAC)
Course Number
Section Number(s)
Attachment #1:
__________________________________ ______________________________________

Course Prefix
(e.g. ENC, CHM, MAC)
Course Number
Section Number(s)
Attachment #2:
__________________________________ ______________________________________

Course Prefix
(e.g. ENC, CHM, MAC)
Course Number
Section Number(s)
Attachment #3:
__________________________________ ______________________________________

Course Prefix
(e.g. ENC, CHM, MAC)
Course Number
Section Number(s)
Attachment #4:
__________________________________ ______________________________________

Course Prefix
(e.g. ENC, CHM, MAC)
Course Number
Section Number(s)
Attachment #5: